Hi folks,
For the last several days my thoracic spine has been really painful--like keeping me up at night, the perscription drugs from last fall are looking really appealing kind of painful. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of something, anything, I've done lately that might be causing it and I'm coming up blank.
Over the course of the last two days I've started seriously regretting having this surgery done at all. It's a horrible feeling to think that I went through all that shit of the last year and came out on the other side being in pain more often than I ever was before.
Max convinced me to call the surgeon's office tonight and hopefully get a quickie appointment for tomorrow. I'm hoping that a little physical therapy and body retraining will be all that's required, but this is a pretty dramatic change from a month ago so I'm kind of nervous about what might be revealed.
More Tylenol, ice-packs, and trying to get to sleep for me now.
Please take care of yourself. I will be thinking about you and hope you will let me know what the Dr. says. Max is a wise man, listen to him. Loved you first!
Eesh, girly, hope the appt goes well and that it's good news (in the sense of "Oh yeah, we can fix that easy!")
And, I know this comment belongs on the other post, but there is a very special hell for the people who designed those oh so useful phone tree things. Especially the ones that make you speak your options and then refuse to understand you. Gah.
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