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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mixed Bag

In this episode of Mixed Bag: summary of the first massage since surgery, SEAF hair idea pictures, and video of the act Kaylee and I surely would have mastered had we found a third to join us.

First Massage Since Surgery:
I went back to the massage therapist who got me limbered up before surgery. It was just simpler to work with someone I'd already broken in. (During the last massage he gave me, I was wearing Max's collar.)
This was more of an information gathering session than actual massage therapy, though to describe it, sounds more like a scene with Max in many ways. My therapist poked, prodded, twisted, bent and occasionally massaged just about every joint and major muscle group from my neck down. He was duly impressed by the flexibility I've maintained in my hips and shoulders, and more than a little stunned at the reality of fusing T-4 to L-3 without major post-surgical complications.
For the most part we both made it through the appointment unscathed and better informed about my body's reactions to stimulus.
I think we'll actually get some solid work done on my neck and shoulders next week.

SEAF Hair:
Courtesy of, here are the current candidates for SEAF Hair. Feedback is welcomed, though I make no promises to actually heed any of it.

Somewhere in my head, straightened sleek hair means grown-up and sophisticated. I don't do that very much in my day to day life.

This one is nice with all the carefully negotiated curls and still a smooth look, if a little softer than the one above.

I think this one has some appeal to me simply because it's so similar to my hair color and texture to start with. Also... Sexy Redhead Back!

I don't intend to stick flowers in my hair, but the complexity of hair sections appeals.

Please try to ignore the BAD BAD BAD make-up in this one. I like the idea of letting some of my hair loose in the back, but not enough to cover my scar. When I can't get past the make-up, this one just looks like a bad prom memory.

Now, the video: My mom (who reads this blog incidentally) sent this to me today. If only Kaylee and I had seen this before my surgery, I'm sure we could have recreated it on our own (okay, maybe not).

The artistry, the classic 40's harmony, the costumes, the... no really keep watching! (1:15 at least)


Silver said...

Now that girl's got a good head on her ass, and vice versa.

I don't believe I've ever witnessed a less sexy contortionist act. Gaugh!

On the subject of hair - couldn't you think of something different to stick into your hair? Perhaps something by Scott Paul? ;-)

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got some of your kinks out. (only something a mother would say)
I would let some of your beautiful strawberry blond hair drift over the lovely straight back.
I am glad you enjoyed the contortionists.
I loved you first. :)

Silver said...

Hi Red's Mommy!

Thanks for having such a great kid!

- Silver

Max said...

Ditto! She's pretty terrific. Nice work, Mom!

And that's a really amazing video.

- Max

Anonymous said...

Silvergoth and Max
I think she is pretty special too. I am glad she has found a special place with people who see how great she is.
Makes a mother proud. :)

Red said...

Have I mentioned how awesome my family is lately?

Well it's true!