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Monday, March 30, 2009

Bullet Round Update

Kinkfest: Yes, I went to Kinkfest. Russell and I only stayed for Friday and Saturday, but it worked out nicely for us overall. Here are some of the highlights.
  • Quality drive time with Russell. We have some of our most productive idea sharing conversations on long drives like this.
  • Our room was much better than the rooms we've had the last two years. (Turns out we were directly above Max and his family)
  • Eating at Thai Noon. This is the most flavorful and friendly and nifty Thai restaurant I've ever been to. Russell and I were introduced to it during Kinkfest last year and it was definitely one of the big things we were looking forward to this year. Mango Sticky Rice!!!
  • Being Max's. Conferences can be treacherous waters for poly families, there are A LOT of moving parts to keep track of in a very small and sometimes intensely loaded space. Fortunately everyone in our respective families plays nice and genuinely wants things to work out for everyone else. I am quite grateful to all parties involved for the time I was able to share with Max at this year's conference.
  • Dangling above the ground from ropes for the first time since surgery. While the dangling portion of the scene was not the centerpiece of our scene in the dungeon, full suspension is a very notable recovery landmark. Max is a creative, talented man who had an intimate understanding of the risks and ways to minimize them. I'm not ready to let the rest of my friends with suspension bondage skills tie me up just yet.
  • Good sex with Russell.
  • Mo Williams' workshop on service. It seemed like this workshop was still in the development stages, but Mo is a fantastic story teller so that didn't really matter. It lacked detectable structure, but once I sat down to record the things worth remembering from the workshop I had a page full of notes and sound-bites.
  • Sharing a snack picnic with a friend who also needed to avoid the hotel food. I was both happy to get chatting time with her and delighted that Russell and my preplanning paid off for one of our friends.
  • Vendor fair purchase. Russell split the cost of one of these for me. Coming to a Grind near you sometime soon.
  • One low-light: The drive home was in some spectacularly crummy weather. There was even snow for part of it.

SEAF (ok, mostly costuming stuff):
  • I will be revealing the fact that the x-ray made it in to SEAF to my surgeon at the next appointment (about a week from now). I'm hoping to present smaller matted prints to him and his nurse as part of a thank you gift. I don't think they know about or read the blog, if they do I've just spoiled the surprise... oops
  • I picked up an adhesive backless bra at Nordstroms on Thursday, insuring that the dress will fit better.
  • Russell saw a test run of the dress and aproves.
  • My budget for this event grew a little recently. Now I'm hoping to take the whole day before the Artists' Reception off to indulge in pampering and primping.

Physical/Medical Stuff:
  • Lately I've been thinking "I could really go for a massage" but I'm not sure there are many massage therapists willing to work on someone with this much recently installed hardware. Most of the tightness is in my neck and shoulders though and that seems workable with a little information.
  • The trip to Kinkfest also marked the longest drive since surgery, but that didn't cause any problems for me at all. (Hooray!)
  • [edited to add] Oh, AND I made it to the gym the day after Kinkfest even though I had to work all day too. (last week's record wasn't so hot and I'm determined to get it moving back in the right direction)
  • Overall, I feel pretty darn healthy and strong.


Unknown said...

Getting to share some time and snacks with you and Russell was one of the highlights of KF for me. I really enjoyed the down time, food and nice conversation.

SomewhatBent said...

Ask your Physical Therapist if they have a massage therapist they use... if not, I know my PT has a great one -- will share!

guntharr said...

I heard that Orry was offering discount sessions :)