Mature Audiences Only

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Sunday, March 1, 2009


I had an interesting experience at work today.

While walking down the very quiet hallway (I'm one of 3 people in the building on Sundays), I heard a muffled metallic popping sound.

I checked my pockets for loose objects.

I re-traced my steps to see if there was something loose in the floor.

It seemed to happen randomly, but only when I was stepping forward on my left foot. The obvious conclusion was something in my shoe must be making the noise. But I couldn't see anything stuck to the sole of my shoe, and it didn't happen every time I stepped on that foot.

**Hyperactive Worry-Wort Brain ENGAGE!!**

The noise was not entirely inconsistent with something a loose piece of hardware might make. I couldn't feel anything in my back, but there are still significant portions of my back that are numb. Oh, and now that I'm thinking about it I do feel a little more tender in my lower left quadrant...

Clearly I needed to text people about this right away!

Russell, being the clever level-headed boy that he is, suggested I try walking around with my shoes off. I was having a perfectly beautiful freak-out and he interrupts it with logical problem solving. Boys!

I took my shoes off for as long as I could stand it (I am so not one of those freedom-for-feet kind of people) and the sound didn't happen again until I put the shoes back on. While not conclusive evidence, it still seems much more likely that my shoe is responsible for the noise and not my back.

Kaylee called me back later this evening to confirm that I was not in fact turning into "Robo-Red" (hence the post title).
Clearly not.
Please comment on my post. You have 20 seconds to comply.


Darkmane said...

Did you pick up your left shoe and shake it? all 3 axis?

Anonymous said...

*sets down the gun*

Red said...

Darkmane, I just did a thorough shake/bend/torque of said shoe... nadda.

Russell, you have 5 seconds to comply.

Autumn Needles said...

Having a hard time seeing the ginormous body armor, but maybe if I add lacy thigh highs...

Hmmm, no, that's just odd.

Matt Bamberger said...

I'd like to be the first to welcome our new Robo-Red overlords.

Anonymous said...

If you become Robo-Red, I vote for installing a steel mandible.

(And I'm glad you got a good reality-check there - yay boys!)

SomewhatBent said...

Ow on the Mandible (really! - maxilla, too)
