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Friday, October 10, 2008

Where to start?

I have some time and energy to put in to detailed posts about surgery, but I'm not sure I have enough to cover all the possible avenues. Below is a list of questions in no particular order that I would have loved to read before jumping in to this whole surgery thing. I'd really like to give quality answers to all the questions, but I probably need to prioritize which questions get answered first. Take a look at the list. What questions/topics interest you the most? What other questions do you have? I thought I could set up a poll on my blog entries, but I guess that's just an LJ thing, so please drop me a comment (anonymously if you like).
  1. What do I remember about surgery day and right after waking up (are there any blank spots)?
  2. How did/does it feel physically?
  3. How did hospital staff deal with the plethora of chosen family cycling through my room?
  4. How did wearing Max's collar influence my recovery?
  5. How did the rest of my friends and family (much less the hospital staff) react to my wearing his collar in the hospital?
  6. What were the peaks and valleys of the hospital stay?
  7. What were the coolest things family/friends did for me while I was in the hospital?


Autumn Needles said...

I'd be interested in any of it. I'd say write about what is most interesting to you right at the moment.

Red said...

See, that's just it. I think they're all most interesting and there's a big ol'traffic jam at my keyboard trying to get it all out at once.

Autumn Needles said...

So, write a traffic jam. :-) Free flow of consciousness and sort it out later. Or not...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Autumn. Just sit and write ndcsee which topics come out first. I'm interested in them all as well.


Unknown said...

So good to see you home and posting. I am trolling my recipes for some nom mac & cheese to bring your way.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in the collar-related questions, I didn't know you were wearing Max's collar at the hospital so now I'm curious about all the questions you put up about it :)

Also count a vote from me for gross pictures! ;)

Really, though, I'd love to read anything you write about the surgery and recovery.

Silver said...

The women of the WWC were all very interested in hearing about how you were the day I visited you. I had to tell them that I saw you on one of your "valley" days, but that you appeared to be responding the the pain meds and would soon be feeling better.

By the way, we had 10 people show up for the meeting, 5 of them brand spankin' new!

I'll bet it's awfully nice to be home. ;-)

It's a relief for me knowing that your past the hospital part.

- S

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Red,

I would like to hear how wearing Max's collar influenced recovery.

Surgery does take a huge toll emotionally and mentally too. I think that we tend to forget that while we are healing.

I can imagine that emotions, anesthesia, pain meds and not sleeping naturally has everything, every minute detail bouncing through your mind, over and over again. Knowing what a perfectionist you tend to be, try this, free form a document and just allow one thought after another to flow. When you feel ready, save and close it. When you have more energy, then go back to it and try to sort it all out. I am sure that the jumbled keyboard will be right back to Red organized level in good time. :-)

Julie aka Michael's jewel, was once a sweet fern too. LOL

Lauren said...

So glad to have you posting from home and making progress! I wish I was there to whuffle your head right now.

Red said...

Oh, I'm sooooooo looking forward to mac'n'cheese. It's currently forbidden due to high cheese content. But as soon as things move again, you can bet I'll be chowing down.

Thanks for the starting spot (see the latest blog entry). Gross pictures are on their way, probably next week.

That's awesome news about the WWC! Hooray for fetlife! There are a whole bunch of people joining you in being relieved that I'm home (including me). Perhaps there's a walk around the block for us in the future?

Today's post took almost all day to get sorted out, but it was nice to have just one topic to focus on. I think the next one will be surgery/immediate recovery memories since those seem to be fading and jumbling the fastest.

Miss You!! *wuffles back* On the up side, it's much safer to give enthusiastic wuffles electronically than in person right now.